Privacy Policy

You are always going to be able to pay a visit to this website at any time of the night or day, and be aware that we do take your right to privacy very seriously, and as such at no time are you ever going to have to sign up to use this website, so you can come or go whenever you like without having to furnish us with any of your own personal information.

However, when you do pay a visit to this website you may discover that occasionally we may ask you for your own personal information, for any of the reasons listed and mentioned below, and as such this privacy policy is going to enlighten you as to why we do ask for your own personal information and how we use that information too.

Be aware though that if you do supply us with any of your own personal information for any reason, then it will be stored using the very highest levels of security methods and we are only ever going to use your own personal information for the purposes that you supplied  to us for.

I also suggest that you take a look at our cookies policy along with our terms and conditions too, for by doing so you are going to find plenty of additional information regarding using this website, so please do check out those additional sections of this website as soon as you possibly can do.

Why We May Ask You for Your Personal Information

There will be on some occasions when we will need to ask you to supply us with your own personal information, and as such I will now give you an insight into why we do so and how we will use the information that you supply us with.

We may for example offer you the option of signing up to receive an email newsletter, and as such when you do sign up to receive any of them you are going to have to supply us with your name and your email address.

That is to allow us to then send you out those email newsletters, but please do be aware that we are not going to sell on your email address or use it for any other purpose other than to send you out those email newsletters, and the information that you supply us with will be stored securely too and as such you are only going to receive our email newsletter when you sign up to receive them.

You will be able to unsubscribe from any email newsletter at any time, by following the unsubscribe link inside those newsletters.

We may also offer you the chance of signing up to add posts and comment son this website, and to enable you to do so you will need to supply us with your own personal information to sign up to do so, you will be best advised when doing so to select a username that will not personally identify you unless you do want to be identified personally.

How We Use Your Information

All personal information you supply us with is going to only ever be used for the purpose that you supplied it to use for, and as such you are not going to be showered with promotional offers for example unless you have asked us to supply you with such.

We do store all personal information supplied to use securely, however no storage systems is 100% secure these days, however we always do out utmost best to keep your personal information as safe and as secure as is possible.

If you wish to drop us an email for any purpose then you are more than welcome to do just that, and when you do so we will only use the email address you contact us from to reply to your email.

The only other times that we may pass on your personal information to a third party is if you enter any competitions on this website, and we will do that so the sponsor of that competition can contact you and arrange delivery of any prizes you may have been lucky enough to win, or when we are legally obliged to supply your information to the police or any other government agency.